Financial Notes

Hilo SDA Tuition Assistance

The Hilo SDA Church supports members children through tuition assistance. Funding for this assistance is from:

  1. Children’s Story Offering

  2. Gifts (Designated Offerings, Checks, Etc.)

The church needs to estimate how many children will need assistance for the fall of the upcoming school year by January of the same year, to determine how much needs to be collected. Other considerations include:

  1. Historical Collection of Children’s Story Offering

  2. Historical Giving of Church Members (How much has the church been giving out per year?)

The church has a working policy that describes the guidelines for this assistance program. Click here

Hilo SDA Subsidy for MLS

Ten percent of the three year average of tithe giving.


Yozo Endo- Distributed funds may be used for scholarships, library materials, new textbooks, promotion/advertising  or school equipment.  Principal funds may also be used for capital projects that will clearly benefit the schools in perpetuity, or for scholarships if needed to provide sufficient students to keep the schools operational.  Such decisions for the release of principal funds are to be made by the Executive Committee of the Hawaii Conference after recommendations are received from the respective principals, local school boards, and the Hawaii Conference K-12 Board of Education.


Quarterly Activity Jan-Sept 2020

  • 2021 3rd quarter distribution - $939.43


  • 2021 3rd quarter distribution - $689.40
